Monday, October 27, 2008

Ars Magna #6 - "Imaginary"

A much needed interlude to my current running storyline 'Wicked Game'.

Ars Magna #6
By Ashley Corgan

He adjusted his jacket in the mirror for the fourth time in as many minutes. His appearance not quite right in these eyes, nevertheless the magician practiced another crooked grin.

“How American of you, Johann”, he told the reflection.

Running his palms over a shock of his hair, Johann spun on his heels and spied a welcome sight…

Legs that went on for miles, hips covered by his bed covers, an equally brazen bust, full pouting lips, deep green eyes and an arched eyebrow that spoke volumes.

“Gods, I love being me”, the young magician spoke as he sauntered over to the bed.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Projects

Okay I have a few projects in the works for both print and for the Artifice Comics site.

First the AC stuff:

Talisman Saviour - With the conclusion of Wicked Game with Ars Magna #8, and the events leading up to "Book Of Shadows" (a 3 part British Rule/Chaos Court mini series), Talisman Saviour focuses on a handful of Talisman Hybrids that wish to protect their talisman bretheren from both sides of this shadow war between Humanithy and the denizens of the Chaos Court.

I'd say more on this but it'd give away plot points from both Wicked Game and BoS.

Next is an untitled project done jointly with Jac Milnestein about the years before and after the fall of the Imperial Magistrate. My portion will cover the rise of Cheryl Torrance as Lady of Shadows, the formation of the Apothecary Dragoon, and the beginning of the end for Imperial Alchemists.

Basically all the good stuff alluded to at the end of the coming Ars Magna #7.

Finally the Print stuff:

So far I've written a special kind of "prequel" story to an Anthology book covering the Siege Engine storyline that ran through 2001 to 2002 at Artifice Comics. Its really really short but they say it works well save for a teensy continuity error. I blame Jason for this. Naturally.

Also they're asking me to fill in a gap in the stories by writing ANOTHER prequel story to the Nation of Immigrants storyline, which is in and of itself the storyline just before The Siege Engine comes online in Pacific City. That story will be about Prentice and Demerite (aka Joseph Liebowitz), the dead guy who's spirit inhabits the body of Cheryl and British Rule's dead infant son.

And after all that I'm currently working on a novellette that deals with all the mess of dimensional hopping and conquering of the Imperial Magistrate and the Apothecary Dragoon.

Thats more its own schtick, not really an Artifice release but escaping the bounds of Superhero universes and tell some scifi/fantasy-noir tale in my own little way.

All in all it looks like its going to be a busy 2009.