Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Heartwarming and Wombfrightening

Wizard Universe staffer Alex Kropinak rounded up his little brothers to re-enact The Dark Knight trailer. Its is simultaneously cute and insane.

Watch it here.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Sophie's Choice Moment...

brought to you by Mattel and Wizard Universe.

Well it looks like I have to choose between two of my favorite cartoon characters... Huntress or the Question.

I voted for Huntress. So far the votes are going for The Question. Either way... I win.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I've become a tad obsessed

... using songs as themes, and even as titles, for the stories I'm writing for artifice. Kind of a running soundtrack if the entire storyline was a 2 hour plus movie. Also I've gone and restarted a new LiveJournal, stay away from it.

You've been warned.

It'll be where I post snippets of writing considered "too hot" for Blogger.

That is all.